Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The Big News

...which sounds like it should be a job, but it isn't, quite yet (although there is reason to be hopeful on that front, too.) Nope, it's even bigger than that. Ready?

I'm pregnant.

Apparently, my 43 year old previously infertile body has figured this pregnancy thing out, because against all odds, we have an 8 week old fetus swimming around inside of me. Strong healthy heartbeat, good size, morning sick mama, all systems look to be go.

Here's my little blob of a swimmer. I can tell this is my second child because I was all gooey over Gwen's ultrasound pictures (Myyy Baaaaybeee!) but these ones, not so much. I saw the heartbeat. I know the little blurry bean is growing, I'm good. Don't get me wrong, I'm floored and thrilled, but I'm already much more relaxed about everything. There are plenty of people nodding their heads right now, thinking this is a good thing.

I can't stress how huge this is for us, how absolutely shocking. Everybody hears stories of people who finally concieve after completely giving up hope, or conceiving naturally after ART. But there's not a lot of actual data to back that up. You definitely can get pregnant in your forties, but it's not all that likely, even if you're trying your hardest. Which we were not. Everybody tells you that it'll happen when you relax, which I definitely did not. The timing of this? Not so great. The fact that this happened? Well, Gwen was my medical miracle. This one's just a miracle, period.

This one is due on Jan. 27, 2010, which is exactly one week after Gwen's due date, and we are hoping that this one does not get as la-di-da about that as she did.

Jim had a very promising interview last Friday, and he's going back for Round 2 this Friday. He's got some other irons in the fire, too. So we're hoping...

Gwennie is her usual busy self. We had the gang over for Memorial Day, and the kids fingerpainted. The fun part was throwing them all in the tub afterwards.

She's been playing Supergirl, a lot. Sometimes she makes us put on blankets, too, so we can be SuperMommy and SuperDaddy.

Then Grandy and Gramps came, and brought fairy wings, but that's a whole different post. Cute, huh?

Two of these munchkins. Rutherford is going to be one busy lion.