Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Here's my little girl, all dressed up for her first political rally. Her mommy and daddy are so proud!

She rocks those shades, doesn't she? And she loves her some Converse sneaks.

We hit the No on 8 rally on Sunday. I know a lot of the people I love don't always agree with my political views, and those views aren't what this blog is about. But I am compelled to speak up and stand up on this issue. Either we're all equal, or we are all diminished. Less than the people the Founding Fathers wanted us to be. Marriage rights for all citizens probaqbly isn't an issue they considered, but "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" pretty much sums it up. This is AMerica, and there should be no second-rate citizens. If the law grants Jim and I privileges, it damn well should offer them to Cutts and Theresa, and Renee and Chris, and anyone else who wants them. Period.

So we went to the rally. Mama waved a sign and handed out literature, Gwen chased the other kids and dogs at the rally, and Dad chased Gwen. Then we had pizza. And now it turns out that we get to go to a wedding on November 1st. Congratulations, Chris, Renee, Jackson and Addison!

But the other cool thing that happened this weekend is that Gwen started drinking from a cup. I''ve been worrying that I haven't given her enough practice doing this, but she and Jim made a game out of it this weekend, using shot glasses since they fit her hands better. And she did great! It's now her official preferred way to drink water, although we're hanging onto the sippies until she stops tipping the water out every second sip.

She's about due for the next night time routine, but I have to say I'm enjoying her latest distraction technique - I turn out the light, she snuggles on to her chest, and then showers me with kisses on my face and neck. Can't go to sleep, Mama, because I luuuuuvvvvv you so much!

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