Sunday, April 26, 2009

The Warrior Princess

Gwennie's still roaming around the house shouting, Let's find Easter eggs, Mama! SoI guess I'm not too terribly behind with the post. Even if it does cover most of the month.

But first, this news:

I was going to say, breaking news, but that was a little too close to the bone. Whoops! I went and did it anyway.

The remarkable Lady Gwendolyn busted her little arm this weekend, after jumping off her changing table (well, not leaping, but Jim had told her to stay put, and she decided she didn't want to, so it wasn't as if she slipped) on Friday night and then faceplanting on concrete Sunday afternoon. My beebee's first ER visit! Her mama is so proud (not!)

It's not really that bad an injury, since her bones are still so flexible. It's a fracture, rather than a snap-in-two break. Essentially, the bone on the side of her left wrist buckled when she landed on it the second time, which is very common in kids her age. There's a fiberglass splint underneath that wrap. She's hated up until today, when I actually want to take it off to give her filthy little body a bath. Now she won't let me near it.

The ER visit wasn't too bad, if you don't count all the crying, and the two parents holding the toddler down on the X-ray table, and the screaming when the toddler saw the doctor, and the forcefeeding of painkillers down her throat. That went on for a couple of days, actually. On the plus side, the painkillers make her loopy and very very happy. She's had a couple of sleepers sacrificed to the large lumpy appendage on her arm. Other than that, she just runs out of energy and cheerfulness more quickly than normal.

We'll get around to the actual Easter post soon....

My little toughie. She got that right after Tia Elvi told us how girly she is.

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