Thursday, May 21, 2009

Big Girl News

The crib is toast. Gwennie has shouted and yelled and expressed her clear preference for her sleeping on the floor, so we've gone from this:

to this:

Look at those munchable little feetsies! (That's Gwen's name for them, btw.)

Which is fine, really. I think we're going to borrow a twin bed from the Lewises, because Gwen is really long, and rolls off of the crib mattress repeatedly in the night (We bought a rail yesterday, but still.) She's more than ready - she hasn't looked back once since we asked her if she wanted her mattress on the floor. In fact, she's been telling everybody she can find about her big girl bed.
But still - remember this? Her mama is a wee bit sad.

Oh, and these footie sleepers? They're toast, too. Sigh.

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