Sunday, September 13, 2009

It's a Girl!

Update: No ultrasound pictures, but here's one of me and my girls.

The amnio results are in, and we have a healthy baby girl swimming around inside me. Her name is Julia Robin. Julia because we like the name, although we'll probably call her Julie. Robin for my grandfather Robert, who would've loved my little girls so much. He was so important in my life. When I told Grandma, she told me that Robin was her pet name for Papa when they first married, the way I call Jim Jamie. I hadn't known that, but it makes the name even more special.

I have another ultrasound next Wednesday - maybe I'll post one of those blurry shots. In the meantime, Julie's really started to move around. I've felt her for a while now, but mostly when I've been lying down still. Now she kicks me at odd moments throughout the day. This is the fun part, when I can really tell she's in there, and Hello! I'm not sick anymore! (I really really hope I haven't jinxed that.)

And one of Gwennie, who decided her baby had better ride in her belly, too.

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