Friday, September 19, 2008

Soup and other stuff

Gwen is wandering around in her sleeper and last year's pumpkin hat perched on the back of her head. Rutherford is tagging along with a turquoise baby hat on his (it's one of the ones Gwen brought home from the NICU, which brings up all those "so-tiny!" newborn memories.) It's begging for a picture, but the camera is somewhere(?) else, so it's all words today.

Last night I made Farm Share Soup again. It's roughly based on a Rachel Ray recipe called Peasant Soup, only I only use stuff I have in the house, which is mostly the stuff that comes out of the farm share box. It comes out different every time. The last batch had red beets, red chard, and a healthy slug of red wine I had left over, so it was Pink Soup. This one had lots of carrots, golden beets, green chard, and kidney beans. So pretty and so yummy. I'd already fed Gwen, but she ate another half a bowl sitting on Jim's lap.

Jim was gone on a business trip from Sunday to Wednesday, so the girl and I had a busy week. She spent the day with the Senkos on Sunday while I helped a friend pack up her house. That's always fun, because if Jess doesn't keep her busy, she plays with their cat Smoke. (Gwen: Hi! Smoke: Meow! Gwen: Hi, kitty! Hi! Smoke: Meow!Purr...Meow! and so on) Monday, we went to the outlets in Gilroy and bought her a lot of clothes for the fall. Well, I did - she mostly pushed the umbrella stroller around the stores. Her new favorite is a blue fleece hoody with brown hearts, and a knot on the top of the hood. This makes it the coolest jacket ever, especially if she can wear just it and a diaper. Tuesday we swam, Wednesday we hiked, and then Daddy was home. Today we're off to our music class, and a playdate in the afternoon.

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