Saturday, October 18, 2008

Gwennie's morning

Woke up, cried until Daddy got me out of the crib.

Woke Mommy up with a pat on her face that ended with my finger in her nose, and a call for "kiss!" (Ok, so Mommy didn't mind that part too much.) Played "Pull the pillow out from under Daddy's head. Laughed. Said, "Daddy sad? Daddy sleepy!" Threw myself down next to him and snored.

Read all my new library books and my Halloween books. Kissed the witch on the wall.

Decorated my face during breakfast. Yum, oatmeal! Yummier, raisins!

Played manymanymany (but not nearly enough) games of peekaboo. Only now I call it "haidin!" Laughed.

Played dress up with a washcloth(Mommy missed that picture) and a new hat. Laughed.

Ran around outside with one shoe on.

Yelled "DYYYPer!" really loud while Mommy changed me.



Now I'm helping Daddy rewire the tv. He says I'm a good helper.
It's only 10:30 am.
This afternoon, I'm going to the NICU reunion, the pumpkin patch and a BBQ. Bye bye!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Gwennie Busts a Move

Or, The Rabago Tongue in Action

Friday, October 3, 2008

Did Something Good

I can't get the pictures to post anywhere except at the top, so here's one of our little lion, with her little lion.

So I have to admit, I always feel self-conscious at rallies or protests. Well, always, as if I go to one every other week. Let's start over: even back in college, I felt self-conscious. You're basically yelling at no one. I mean, I think it's important, but it's still a little weird.

But... at the No on 8 rally, Gwen's music teacher pulled up at the corner where we were - rallying, I guess you'd call it. And he's a hip, dreadlocked music-teaching-young-children loving guy, and I had literature to hand out, so I ran over to him. In his defense, he wasn't really looking around, and all of a sudden this large redhead is in his car window, yelling "Teacher Jonah! Vote No on 8!" and it's quite possible that I frightened the bejeebers outta him. But after he recognized me (one meeting, mind, even if was only 2 days before,) he looked me in the eye and said, "I don't vote."

I was flabbergasted, stammered apologies, and slunk back to the curb. But I was bummed. I really liked him, but I have a hard respecting someone who doesn't vote. I mean, honestly. Be an adult. I couldn't really think of a way to convince him to vote without being more obnoxious than I already had been, but it bugged me.

Well, today after class, he told me that he had been thinking about it a lot, and talking to his friends, and that he has decided it is really important for him to vote. So he's registered for the first time this century. And he's talking to other people, convincing them to vote this election, too. He says he doesn't even get why we should have to vote to allow adults to marry. You go, Teacher Jonah!


I'm proud of me - I put myself out there, and it made some impact.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Here's my little girl, all dressed up for her first political rally. Her mommy and daddy are so proud!

She rocks those shades, doesn't she? And she loves her some Converse sneaks.

We hit the No on 8 rally on Sunday. I know a lot of the people I love don't always agree with my political views, and those views aren't what this blog is about. But I am compelled to speak up and stand up on this issue. Either we're all equal, or we are all diminished. Less than the people the Founding Fathers wanted us to be. Marriage rights for all citizens probaqbly isn't an issue they considered, but "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" pretty much sums it up. This is AMerica, and there should be no second-rate citizens. If the law grants Jim and I privileges, it damn well should offer them to Cutts and Theresa, and Renee and Chris, and anyone else who wants them. Period.

So we went to the rally. Mama waved a sign and handed out literature, Gwen chased the other kids and dogs at the rally, and Dad chased Gwen. Then we had pizza. And now it turns out that we get to go to a wedding on November 1st. Congratulations, Chris, Renee, Jackson and Addison!

But the other cool thing that happened this weekend is that Gwen started drinking from a cup. I''ve been worrying that I haven't given her enough practice doing this, but she and Jim made a game out of it this weekend, using shot glasses since they fit her hands better. And she did great! It's now her official preferred way to drink water, although we're hanging onto the sippies until she stops tipping the water out every second sip.

She's about due for the next night time routine, but I have to say I'm enjoying her latest distraction technique - I turn out the light, she snuggles on to her chest, and then showers me with kisses on my face and neck. Can't go to sleep, Mama, because I luuuuuvvvvv you so much!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Soup and other stuff

Gwen is wandering around in her sleeper and last year's pumpkin hat perched on the back of her head. Rutherford is tagging along with a turquoise baby hat on his (it's one of the ones Gwen brought home from the NICU, which brings up all those "so-tiny!" newborn memories.) It's begging for a picture, but the camera is somewhere(?) else, so it's all words today.

Last night I made Farm Share Soup again. It's roughly based on a Rachel Ray recipe called Peasant Soup, only I only use stuff I have in the house, which is mostly the stuff that comes out of the farm share box. It comes out different every time. The last batch had red beets, red chard, and a healthy slug of red wine I had left over, so it was Pink Soup. This one had lots of carrots, golden beets, green chard, and kidney beans. So pretty and so yummy. I'd already fed Gwen, but she ate another half a bowl sitting on Jim's lap.

Jim was gone on a business trip from Sunday to Wednesday, so the girl and I had a busy week. She spent the day with the Senkos on Sunday while I helped a friend pack up her house. That's always fun, because if Jess doesn't keep her busy, she plays with their cat Smoke. (Gwen: Hi! Smoke: Meow! Gwen: Hi, kitty! Hi! Smoke: Meow!Purr...Meow! and so on) Monday, we went to the outlets in Gilroy and bought her a lot of clothes for the fall. Well, I did - she mostly pushed the umbrella stroller around the stores. Her new favorite is a blue fleece hoody with brown hearts, and a knot on the top of the hood. This makes it the coolest jacket ever, especially if she can wear just it and a diaper. Tuesday we swam, Wednesday we hiked, and then Daddy was home. Today we're off to our music class, and a playdate in the afternoon.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Jumping in

Here are Jim and Gwen at the Boardwalk during Mom and Phil's Labor Day visit.

Gwen's sitting next me eating lunch. We went for a hike today in the redwoods - in a little while, we're heading out to yoga. Such is the life of a Santa Cruz baby.

Only she really isn't a baby anymore. She is getting so big! My little petite bebe of last year is now one of the talles babies I know. Jim's convinced she's got Scot's genes, and is going to be a head or so taller than him. I don't know - I just keep looking at this kid who's reaching up for the doorknobs, thinking lordylordylordy. We're in for some trouble soon.

The weather turned cool all of a sudden yesterday, and I can tell fall is coming. My little monkey just ate an entire pear for lunch, with maybe a couple of bites of her mashed potato/porkchop combo I'm feeling pretty lucky, because a lot of my friends have kids that don't eat fruits or vegetables. I can't get Gwen away from them. Hope I don't jinx it by writing about it.

Monday, June 9, 2008

A Girl and her Lion

Once upon a time, at the turn of the century, Mamalion met the Leader of the Pride. A few months later, they rescued a miniature red lion who had gotten stuck at a suburban Toys R Us. They brought him home and discovered that his name was Rutherford (after the scientist, not the President, thankyouverymuch.)

Life was good. Rutherford made his home with Mamalion, LoP, and their dog Rosie. Things happened - they all moved to the Mountainhouse, Mamalion became a teacher, Rosie passed away. But then the biggest change of all happened: the Girl came. And Rutherford, who believed the Mamalion was the ultimate in human beings, fell utterly, completely in love. The Girl fell right back.