Saturday, May 9, 2009

Easter roundup, pt 2 - Dying Eggs

Gwennie luurrrvvvvs herself some Easter. It's nearly Mother's Day, and she's got both her new bunnies out and they're all looking for Easter eggs. (Mama, on the other hand? A little tired of stepping on plastic eggs. Even if they do morph into baby turtles or trains on occasion.)

But from a toddler's perspective, what's not to love? No scary monsters, no doorbells to ring (for the life of her, Gwen did not understand why those people didn't ask her in, already.) There's this fun game where you look for bright colored objects, and then when she realized they had candy in them? Whoo to the capital Hoo!

Plus, we went to dye Easter eggs and Uncle Scot's and Auntie Kathleen. Visiting them rocks Gwen's world anyway, and this time there were presents and messes to made as well. Auntie Kathleen found an apron for her, and off we went.
First, there was the careful observation part. You dump the what in the where?

Oh, I see. Put the egg in there!

I can do that. Mama and Daddy may have to save me from dumping dye everywhere, but I can do that.

Here's all of us getting started.

Uncle Scot gets his crafty on. His egg was definitely the star of the show - multiple layers of colors, finished off by dabbing pink spots on with a QTip. But did I take a picture of the finished project? Oh no. But I did enjoy eating it.

Daddy did a pink one.

and here we are finishing up. No actual clothes were damaged, which was a win.
Gwen is pulling her hair out because we ran out of eggs to dye.
Wow, you have to really like us to plow through all these pictures. What can I say? We're cute.

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