Friday, May 15, 2009

Glimmers of Light

Gwennie and Daddy at the zoo, a couple of Saturdays ago. They could be looking at just about anything, couldn't they? I love these two so much that I'm surprised little glittery hearts didn't show up in the photo(it was giraffes, by the way.)

Jim had a job interview today. Startup company, only 10 or so US employees, development based in Australia. Followup interview next week, bt the CEO took Jim to lunch and is going to call his references. One question for them, he says - is Jim the go-to guy? Hell, yeah, he is.

Favorite Gwennie moment this week: Jim shaved his beard for his interview. Gwennie patted his face, giggled, and yelled,"I love my family!" as she threw herself in between us. Not so favorite Gwennie trick? Yelling the word Mine about everything. But hey, she's two. Her arm's just about better - the orthopedist took new X-rays and there's new bone there already. She's got a new splint to wear outside (in case she faceplants again, or for when, rather) but she's got the all-clear, no followup needed.

Jim's got another interview with a different company on Monday, there's a third company out in the wings, and the opportunity for a boot-strap startup that he could do part time even with a new job. I'm thinking maybe we've turned the corner. Just in time, maybe - the COBRA runs out at the end of the month.

We come out of this. Someday, we come out of this. I hope it's soon. I love my man so much and this hurts him so bad and I want us to be out of it.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

you'll make it Kim and Jim. Just stay focused on the positive and start dreaming your big dreams cos' Jim will get there - he's got the job. I'd start celebrating!